Each year I make a list of goals for the approaching year. I prefer this over resolutions. I make one for each year of my life thus far. These can be small things or very big things. The idea is to keep it fun, realistic, and attainable. I have done this every year since I was 24. Before I begin my new list I look back on the past year to see how things played out. I see it as a great way to take stock of the past year. What worked. What didn’t and plan to improve over the next year!
- Market the Business More – yes! Accomplished!
- Put away the laundry more often – not so much, I think I need to master the “swish and flick’.
- Kayak at least 7 times – nope, try once.
- Run either the OKC Full or Half this spring – fail
- Try to cook at least 5 new dishes this year – thank you blue apron, this did happen!
- Try 3 new Beers – Yep several of my friends brew their own so I got spoiled this year!
- Try 3 new wines – yes! My wine tastes changed this year. So I have tried many on the search for my new favorite.
- Run Consistently – better, not great
- Use my new yoga mat regularly – nope. Thanks to the EDS appearing as a probable I am too chicken.
- Attend Turkey Mountain Cleanup Day – 4 of them actually!
- Get the pool open – fail
- Keep the office more organized – huge fail too many INPPA boxes to keep things straight.
- Go camping – twice!
- Get the cabinet for the office I have been wanting – cant find it :-(
- Organize the iTunes library – I did a little still quite a bit I can stand to purge.
- Target practice at least 3 times – fail.
- Go to Oktoberfest – Dominated this one! Worked Oktoberfest Every Day!
- Go kayaking out of state / somewhere other than the Illinois river – fail.
- Enter print competition – I did at INPPA not at PPOK, I didn’t want to provide myself with a reason to skip my long run so I could listen to my critiques!
- Continue to grow the business – accomplished, met great new clients!
- figure out a way to corral my light stands and modifiers – still working on this.
- Get more sleep – yes! Much more sleep in 2016 – I forgot how sleep deprived 2015 was!
- Upgrade light fixtures in the house – nope
- Add 2 significant pieces of equipment to my business – yes! Added a new macro lens and a new macbook!
- Repair all of Ru’s torn toys – still need to do this!
- Get a new day job – done
- Get the new stereo installed in the Suburban – done!
- Vacuum the house more regularly – maybe
- Display a few of my landscapes at our house. – still need to do this
- Plan something fun for my birthday (even if it is just the two of us) – PF Changs!
- Eat healthier – fail
- Get back in the habit of cooking more often – fail
- Drink less Starbucks – fail
- Go to the stupid grocery store at least once a month – fail
- Go to the stupid grocery store at least once a month – fail
- Figure out how to make a killer steak – fail