I am Laurie. I am a photographer in Tulsa OK, self-proclaimed Okie, ultra marathon/marathon runner, activist, and fur baby mom.
About my background
As a child I grew up in a small Oklahoma town before moving to Broken Arrow. After attending Oklahoma State for a few semesters, I realized a 4 year school just wasn’t for me and that my passion lie in Photography. Subsequently I attended OSU-Okmulgee where I studied photography. After moving to the East Coast for 6 years I came back. One thing never changed while I was away; I was still an Okie girl at heart. Okies are a hearty and fierce bunch. Adaptable to whatever Mother Nature can throw at them. In that way I never left Indian Territory… I still roll with the punches. Once I came back I knew I was home.
At the age of 30 (!) I woke up one day and decided to become a runner. Just a 5K was the plan. After a few 5Ks I thought maybe a 15K wouldn’t be so bad. A few short weeks after the 15K was a half-marathon; after all, what’s a few more miles? Once I became comfortable with a few half marathons I took up trail running and jumped up to a 25K. In 2 years time I went from being the kid who did not participate in PE to a Marathon Runner. Moreover I didn’t stop there, and 11 months after my first marathon I ran a 50K. What can I say? Running gets inside you and doesn’t let you go!
My family
Why do I mention my fur babies? Lets be honest, I adore them and will likely mention them in conversations. 2 dogs both of them rescues.
First I have my loyal running partner Ruby (I often call her Ru or Ru-ru). Ru is a Labarottie, ok so she is really a Lab/Rott mix but I call her a Labarottie – hey, if other people hybrid the names of a Golden Retriever/Labrador/Poodle mix and call it a Goldendoodle, why can’t I? Ru has trained with me for marathons and participated in trail races with me. She is 9 and in the early stages of becoming an older dog, but she still runs and plays!
In contrast two years ago we adopted a female Pit-bull mix (I call her a Pibble) named Greta. Strictly speaking she is my boyfriends dog, but we aren’t very strict about that. At just over 2 years old and quite the energetic affectionate handful.
Free time. What free time?
If you can’t find me behind a camera or out on a running trail and the weather is good, I am probably outside on some sort of adventure. Favorites include sightseeing, lazing in a pool or kayaking one of the many bodies of water located here in Green Country. Simply put I have a hard time sitting still.
Professional Organizations
As an active member of Professional Photographers of Oklahoma serving on the board of directors,and the Professional Photographers of America (member #8252876). Locally I am also the 2016 Past President of Indian Nations Professional Photographers Association – the Tulsa affiliate guild of PPA and PPOK. Personally I have a firm belief that you never stop learning and that everyone has something to teach you. For this reason I am continually furthering my education in both photography and owning a business.
- Treasurer
- First Place – General Exhibition Wedding
- Distinguished – General Exhibition Unclassified
- INPPA Grand Fellowship
- Treasurer
- First Place – General Exhibition Unclassified
- Distinguished – General Exhibition Portrait
- Honorable – General Exhibition Portrait
- Immediate Past President
- President
- First Place – General Exhibition Unclassified 1
- Associate Fellowship
- Board Member
- First Place – General Exhibition Unclassified
- Distinguished – General Exhibition Female Portrait
- Honorable – General Exhibition Unclassified
- Board Member
- Board Member
- PPA Bronze Medalist

Our Photography
Beyond Ordinary Life Photography is a Wall Portrait Photography Studio in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We often say “Your life isn’t ordinary, why should your memories be any different?” Our goal is to capture what makes your life special, unique and truly yours! Your images are created to be focal points in your home showcasing the life you love to live!
What makes us diffrent?
By working with our clients we provide an experience that is personal to each client. As we combine your love and our equipment and expertise to craft memories that are truly one of a kind. Laurie is a huge advocate of the printed photograph and her goal is to make sure each client has beautiful memories printed and proudly displayed in their home.
Because we work only with the best labs in the Nation we can provide you with high quality art to pass the test of time.

As a member of Professional Photographers of America I am committed to holding myself to a high standard both in the quality of my work and in my treatment of my clients.

Professional Photographers of Oklahoma is the state affiliate of PPA and gives me a wonderful set of peers across the state to draw inspiration from and encourages me to continue learning. By Serving on the Board of Directors for PPOK I help ensure that this quality community continues on.

Indian Nations Professional Photographers Association is the Tulsa Guild connected to the PPA. This guild is at the forefront of my desire to continue to learn and increase my skills as a photographer. This also is where I share my love of learning with other photographers in the Tulsa area.